2023-11-08 Board Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at ACC (Total scheduled minutes: 70 min)

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting (5 min)


2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min) 3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)

4. Review and Accept Financial Reports October (5 min)

Tabled till next month. Dorothy is dealing with issues with Quickbooks Online.

5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)

Progress Report (Dorothy)
Still doing great! Lots of good donations and sales.
They will have a booth at the Alpine Holiday Festival. They may only be open 2-5 6. Preschool Updates (15 min)
Report (Rachelle, Joyce & Melissa)
Recruitment of students/ Enrollment
Summer Program

$1788 for Poinsettia sales fundraiser
Rachelle presented 1 Tuition Assistants App- Board Approved
Science Factory and Storybook Land field trips are planned.
Online Auction will be going on, a different platform this year, not facebook, but parents will advertise on FB

Parent volunteers have been showing up to volunteer in the 3-4 class but 2 classes in the 4-5 had to be canceled last month due to no volunteers.

7. Building Updates (5 min)

Discussion (All)
Blinds in the big room have been hung (thanks Keath!)
The door to the storage room needs the hinge fixed, John volunteered to fix it. Back door- Roger just got the weather striping and will work on the door soon. Entryway floor- Sky and Joe

8. Sign construction (5 min)

Discussion (Roger & John)
Looks Awesome! Still have a couple of things that need to be finished but 99.9% done.

9. Alpine Holiday Festival

(Melissa & Joyce)
We are excited for this weekend’s event. Everything’s coming together with the help of past and new volunteers.

10. Upholstered Chairs

Remove from Agenda now that they are complete.

11. End of Year Letter
$915 so far has been donated

12. New Business (5 min)
13. Proposed agenda for December(1 min)

We will celebrate by bringing gluten free treats to share!

14. Schedule (1 min)

ACC Board Meeting 12/13/23

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