Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Weds, Oct 11th, 2023 at ACC (Total scheduled minutes: 70 min)
Present: John Scott, Melissa Meyer, Joyce Long, Roger Irvin Apologies: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Rachelle Payne
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting (5 min) Approved
2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports Sept (5 min)
Request clarification from Dorothy:
Profit & Loss Sheet
Under “Fundraising Expense” $70 on the “Bingo” line. “Sales of Product Income”- Is this the Resale Shop?
Accepted with clarification.
5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)
Progress Report (Dorothy)
Dorothy reports that the Resale shop is doing great as ever.
6. Preschool Updates (15 min)
Report (Rachelle, Joyce & Melissa)
Recruitment of students/ Enrollment- Added 1 Student to the 3/4s
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip 10/20
Rachelle has had to cancel 2 days of 4/5s class due to lack of Parent Volunteers.
Rachelle requested to use up to $250 for an All School Halloween Party on 10/31. The board approved this request.
Rachelle would like to continue purchasing equipment, toys and storage for outdoor play using the Knudsen Grant- up to $750 before reconvening with the Board. The Board approved.
7. Building Updates (5 min)
Discussion (All)
Rainy season is upon us. Roger ordered the seal and is still waiting for its arrival. When it arrives he will install it. Rachelle and her husband will install the blinds soon. They also hung the new cameras. Joyce is unable to log into the water sensor app. Dorothy is looking into the free membership.
Rachelle reports that the new Blink Cameras will be installed soon. Blinds will also be installed in the main hall.
8. Sign construction (5 min)
Discussion (Roger & John)
Sign looks great! Roof is on, still working on the metal shingles. Lights will go up soon, LED with solar panel. We are within the budget.
9. Organizing and Storage (Jeanne, Dorothy and Rachelle) Remove from the agenda
10. Alpine Holiday Festival (Melissa and Joyce)
Melissa and Joyce report that the festival planning is moving right along. Our new volunteer Amanda is posting on FB and finding new ways of Advertisement. Raffle and Pie donations are being solicited and Volunteers are being sought after.
11. Upholstered Chairs
Dorothy got the chairs finished and they look great! Do we owe her anything? Spraying Socgard soon.
12. End of Year Letter
John will update the letter and get the Board a copy this week. Melissa will get the addresses printed out.
Should we set a date to meet and stuff envelopes?
13. New Business (5 min)
14. Proposed agenda for November(1 min)
15. Schedule (1 min)
Move the Nove Board meeting? Can everyone attend? ACC Board Meeting 11/08/23