2022-10-12 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Meeting
6:00 pm Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 at ACC
(Total scheduled minutes: 70 min)

Present: Rachelle Payne, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, John Scott, Joyce Long, Roger Irvin, Melissa Meyer

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting (5 min)
2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
Executive Session was held to vote and approve a $2/hour raise for Rachelle, Preschool teacher, prorated back to the beginning of School Preparation.
Tuition Assistance Application- All voted Yes.
3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)

4. Review and Accept Financial Reports (5 min)
Financial reports for August & September. Accepted as corrected.

5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)
Progress Report (Dorothy): State of sublet agreement on 5th street side of the 540 Main St. building for the Resale Shop.
Dorothy delivered the Sublet Agreement to Andi and will follow up soon.

6. Move from MadMimi to MailChimp (5 min)
Progress report (Dorothy, Melissa)
The move has happened and is updated on the website. Melissa will sit down with Dorothy and others that want to learn how to send emails through MailChimp.

7. Preschool Status (15 min)
Report (Rachelle & Joyce)
Recruitment of students/ Enrollment
Play yard repairs- Some gravel was moved and more needs to be done. We need to get together a work party of strong people to come help load rock.
Halloween party, Rachelle requested $100
Poinsettias Fundraiser- Parents are collecting orders
Rachelle updated the Health Addendum, the board approved.
The Weds volunteer hasn’t worked out but Rachelle isn’t worried at this time.
Facebook Silent Auction- Michelle Fielder will be requesting donations from the Vendors at the Holiday Festival with approval from the HF Committee.

8. Hot Water Heater Reconstruction (5 min)
Discussion (All)
Dorothy updated the board on Insurance and Construction. We have had to turn away rentals due to the slow progress of the Contractors.
9. Plan for sign construction, grant proposal (5 min)
Discussion (Roger)
Roger reported that Jeanne had sent over questions and the Board helped answer. He will email the answers back.
The board approved $1500.00 of in-kind labor and $500.00 of matching funds for a total of $2000.00 of the total project cost of $3618.00 (55%)

10. Holiday Festival (5 min)
(Melissa, Joyce)
Joyce and Melissa reported that the Holiday Festival Planning Committee is on schedule and working hard this last month.

11. Fundraising Ideas (5 min)
Discussion (All)

12. Year End Letter (5 min)
The letter has been written, reviewed and edited. The Board was reminded that it’s better to get the letter out before the Holiday Festival.
Melissa and Rachelle offered to help Dorothy finish up the printing and mailing.
13. New Business (5 min)

14. Proposed agenda for November(1 min)

15. Schedule (1 min)
ACC Board Meeting 11/9
Holiday Festival 11/12

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