2020-09-16 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, September 16th, 2020 on Zoom

Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Roger Irvin, John Scott, Rachelle Payne
Absent: Dena Elliott, Kristen Norris

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting


3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

The board reviewed the financial reports for August.

Dorothy reminded us that the apparently duplicate asset account on the balance sheet related to building improvement is left-over from a balancing entry directed by our accountant several years ago. She will include this on a list of questions to address to our accountant in the next couple months as he reviews our books for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

The board accepted the financial reports for August.

5. Preschool Report

Because of our decision not to start the preschool year until January, Kristen had no report for the board related to the preschool.

6. Routine and post-event cleaning criteria & methods for the Center

Joyce reported that she has not yet obtained a cleaning pricing estimate from her contact who is doing COVID cleaning professionally.

Dorothy reported that we have received a request to rent the center.

We checked the OHA guidelines for how long the COVID germs are believed to remain infectious on various surfaces, and confirmed that the current guidance is the 3 days exposure is considered effective to render all surfaces non-infectious.

Roger proposed an interim policy that we can accept rental requests under the pre-COVID terms (without special cleaning requirements) as long as no other event is already scheduled in the center in the 3 days before or after (with max attendance within the guidelines that currently apply under Oregon and Benton county rules). We discussed potential complications, particularly with recurring reservations. We will not accept one-time reservations less than 2 weeks before the reservation date (to allow time for notifying potential others with pre-existing reservations near the intended date). Folks with recurring reservations must accept that any reservation more than 2 weeks away may result in them facing a choice of rescheduling, or doing a special deep cleaning after their event and before another party that wants to use the center within 3 days following their recurring event.

The board accepted consensus that this interim policy is as good as we can do with the current state of knowledge. Joyce will incorporate this into the facility rental agreement form she is drafting.

7. Budget planning for 2020-21

Joyce reported that she has not collected a list of amounts and activities to include in the fundraising letter that Rachelle drafted, focused on sponsorship opportunities. The letter needs some re-writes because of the way the pandemic and preschool situation has changed since early summer. Dorothy will make an editing pass and email her revised draft to the board.

We noted that it is the time of year when we intend to start preparing to send out a year-end appeal letter.

8. Facility rental agreement

Joyce reported that she has not yet completed her intended draft of this document. Joyce will send a draft to the board by 9/21.

9. Network access to the video recorder of the recycling depot

Joyce and John reported that they have not yet configured the video recorder of the recycle center for practical access.
Action Item (Joyce & John): Set up DVR by 10/14/20.

10. New Business

Dorothy confirmed that she has cancelled the fire alarm monitoring.

The board delegated Roger to contact Dena about her ability to continue her generous service on the board.

11. Proposed agenda for October

Draft fundraising appeal letter

Facility rental agreement

12 Schedule

ACC Board 10/14

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