2014-10-08 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes

6:00 pm Wed., October 8th, 2014 at ACC

Present: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Dena Elliott, Rachelle Payne, Charlene Opheim, John Scott
Absent: Joyce Long, Roger Irvin

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting

Two votes from the September board meeting that could not be finalized without a quorum were completed via email: minutes of August mtg approved, financials for August accepted.

3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

The board accepted the financial reports for September.

5. Preschool Report

Charlene reported that there have been several days already in the first month when none of the scheduled parent volunteers showed up. The board re-affirmed that it is our policy that it is the responsibility of the scheduled volunteer to find another parent to cover if they are unable to meet their commitment.

The October parent’s mtg. will be on the 22nd. Rachelle will attend to represent the board.

6. Janitorial Coverage

Charlene has a couple parents who are interested in cleaning. The board favors making it an explicitly paid activity. The board authorized up to $75 for a one-time thorough cleaning before the 26th, and for Dorothy to negotiate a rate for ongoing cleaning.

7. Building Task Force

John and Dorothy reported that the recycling area has moved to within the new fence.

Opening up a doorway between the classrooms– Dorothy reports that Andy Parsons says we should get a permit for this work (because of the electrical line in the way), but that we can do the construction work ourselves. He recommended that we ask Mike Puhek to do the electrical portion of the work.

8. 2012 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation

No progress to report on the Informational Kiosk or Community Cleanup Day projects. Dorothy offered to ask Jenny Gray if she would be interested in drawing a display that incorporates the features of the recycling center fence.

9. SRF grant for early literacy

No progress to report on the grant-funded programs (bi-lingual assistant, bus transport, training, etc.). Dorothy will follow up with Joyce. We discussed inviting the staffer from Strengthening Rural Families to attend our November board meeting to advance work on this project.

10. 2014-15 Budget

Dorothy moved we approve the draft budget, Dena seconded, approved.

11. Holiday Festival Preparation

Preparations are going well and smoothly. Flyers are ready for distributions. Raffle materials are coming in.
Action item (All directors): Bring one or more pies

12. Outreach Committee Report

We will display the donated quilt at the celebration and the holiday festival (but not sell tickets at either of those events) and then sell raffle tickets for the quilt during December.

13. Year-End Fundraising Letter

Board agreed that we do want to send a letter requesting donations during November, with a general appeal toward operating funds and non-specific future repurposing expenses.

Action item (John): draft a letter & circulate for review

14. New Business

The MHS Wrestling team is interested in partnering with another organization to run the Christmas tree lot across from the high school (historically run by the Lions), and are offering that partnership to ACC for 2014. We would need to recruit volunteers to staff the lot on the weekends 11/29 through 12/20. The board agreed to do this with Rachelle taking the lead on scheduling

The donor recognition event will be 10/25. Rebecca Vande Voorde is working on a Power Point to run during the event. John will speak to thank the donors.

15. Proposed agenda for November

Liz Doyle presentation on the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce
Staffing for Christmas tree booth
Action items for SRF grant implementation

16. Schedule

Outreach Task Force 10/16, Plaque unveiling celebration 10/25, Holiday Festival 11/8, ACC board 11/12

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