2024-04-10 Board Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 at ACC
(Total scheduled minutes: 60 mins)

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meetings (5 min)

Approved both January and March Minutes

2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min) NA 3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min) NA
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports for March (10 min) Tabled for Quickbooks Update

5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)

Progress Report (Dorothy)

Nothing to report

6. Preschool Updates (15 min)

Report (Rachelle, Joyce & Melissa)

New Names:

3-4s Hatchlings

4-5s Little Dragons

Recruitment of students/ Enrollment- Little Dragons are halfway filled, Hatchlings have 2, lots of interest for next year.

Preschool Scamper- No sign ups as of now. There is a parent meeting tomorrow, more info after.

Parents Survey
Rachelle was able to sell the play structure for $300. She requested another $300 from the X Grant.

7. Building Updates (5 min)

Discussion (All)

Melissa- Unified Insurance Group, LLC Updated policy for building and Resale Shop Coverage. Dorothy will

We will be looking for someone to dig the ditch to move the propane tank. Dorothy will get quotes for the move but we will need to have the ditch dug ourselves.

8. Details of Rentals (5 min) (Rachelle)

The board looked over the Rental agreement. Dorothy will add in the items from the last meeting that are not already there.

9.Building Improvements
The lights, fans and trac lights were cleaned. Cost was $185. Preschool door locks should be installed this weekend. Inspection cost $695. The board went over the summary.

  • ●  Dorothy will call about the Heater issues and get quote
  • ●  Rachelle will get quotes for ductless heat/air
  • ●  Dorothy will get the yard maintenance to clear out the East side of the building
  • ●  John is awesome and has already taken care of several items on the list.

    10. New Business (5 min)

    11. Proposed agenda for May (1 min)

    12. Schedule (1 min)
    ACC Board Meeting 5/8/24

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