2024-01-10 Board Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 at ACC (Total scheduled minutes: 60 mins)

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meetings (5 min)


2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports for November & December (10 min) Accepted
5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)
Progress Report (Dorothy)
Doing great!
6. Preschool Updates (15 min)
Report (Rachelle, Joyce & Melissa)
Recruitment of students/ Enrollment
Parents Survey:

  • ●  Playground equipment
  • ●  Parent co-op
  • ●  Daily classroom

    Classes have been combined and it was a great decision, it’s going really well. (Maybe consider only having one group next year? Daily?)

    Saturday May 4th Preschool Scamper, more to come soon.

    Rachelle would like to get a new table 6×3 and 24-30 inches tall. They are very expensive so we will keep our eye out for a used one. Melissa suggested she contact the Grade School to see if they have one that they aren’t using.

Rachelle is looking to upgrade the playground equipment. She will put together a collection and present it to the Board.

She requested $250 for adding to the Curriculum.

7. Building Updates (5 min)

Discussion (All)
Dorothy proposed we buy a storage shed for more organization. She showed us some options and various prices. She proposes we put it in the back corner behind the kitchen. We can store the outdoor equipment.

Roger requested that at the next meeting we all bring a list of building improvements that we can prioritize.

8. Details of Rentals (5 min)
cleaning, things being broken, animals in building, deposits, etc. (Rachelle) No vaping, clean up after your dog, no firearms, No pet policy Melissa needs to add the tables/chair agreement to the website.
9. End of Year Letter (5 min)
Dorothy $3300 in donations so far
10. New Business (5 min)
11. Proposed agenda for February (1 min)

● List of Building Improvements

12. Schedule (1 min)

ACC Board Meeting 2/14/23

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