2023-03-08 ACC BOD Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Monday, March 8th, 2023 at ACC
(Total scheduled minutes: 70 min)
Present: John Scott, Roger Irvin, Melissa Meyer, Joyce Long, Jeanne Lindsay
Apologies: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Rachelle Payne

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting (5 min)
2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)
Jeanne will report first so she doesn’t have to stay for the whole meeting.
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports February (5 min)
5. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)
Progress Report (Dorothy): State of sublet agreement on 5th street side of the 540 Main St. building for the Resale Shop.
Melissa will contact Andi to get her to sign the updated agreement.
7. Preschool Updates (15 min)
Report (Rachelle, Joyce & Melissa)
Recruitment of students/ Enrollment
Jeanna remembers that years ago she and Dorothy put Preschool stuff in the attic. If Rachelle wants we can schedule a workday in the Summer to go through all the stuff from the attic and office to see if it’s all needed or if we can get rid of it to make more room.

8. Hot Water Heater Reconstruction (5 min)
Discussion (All)
Dorothy asked if all of the issues with the construction have been fixed and if we want to have a walk through with McGinnis Restoration. We will talk to Rachelle to see if all of the issues have been fixed.
9. Sign construction (5 min)
Discussion (Roger & John)
Jeanne reports that the Grant check has not been received but she is keeping in contact with the organization. They are now saying the check will be mailed in April. Roger reports he would like to wait until we are closer to the time to building before ordering materials so they don’t sit outside too long.
10. Celebrate Alpine summer event (5 min)
Discussion (All) Guest Andi
Melissa will contact Andi to see if she is interested in participating. If she is we will move forward with the event. If not, we will table it till fall.
11. Recycling Events (5 min)
12. Little Free Library Placement
(Guest Jeanne)
A few years ago the Board approved a Free Little Library. Someone donated a small, glass front display box to the Resale Shop. The Board approved it to be hung inside the front hallway of the Community Center. Jeanne will keep it with her until we can get someone to hang it. Mike Hastings was mentioned as someone who might be willing to help.
13. New Business (5 min)
Roger reminded the Board that years ago there were items that were stored in his barn. He will look at the items and see if they are still usable. We brainstormed ideas of who might want them and will ask around.
John questioned the fire extinguisher’s service date. Melissa will call Umpqua Valley Fire Services to set up an appointment to have them serviced.
14. Proposed agenda for April (1 min)
Go outside and look at the sign location first thing.
15. Schedule (1 min)
ACC Board Meeting 4/12/23

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