2020-05-13 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, May13th, 2020 Conference call at nnn-nnn-nnnn

Present: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Roger Irvin, Kristen Norris, Rachelle Payne, John Scott
Absent: Dena Elliott, Joyce Long

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting

3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

The board reviewed the financial reports for April. Among the expenses that have continued into the pandemic period is the rent on resale shop. The board decided to wait until next month before seeking an arrangement to postpone or reduce that rent.

Another strike on the P&L was a negative figure in the preschool tuition income. This was because we refunded prepaid tuition to the parents who paid ahead. One parent donated that refunded tuition back to ACC.

ACC’s monthly bill from Pioneer Telephone has gone up. They’ve started charging us for internet service that they hadn’t for the first couple years. Dorothy will follow up with Joyce and Pioneer.

The board accepted the financial reports.

5. Preschool Report

Kristen reported that parents are worried about next year, with some reluctant to turn in registration. There is uncertainty about whether school will resume in September. Many are nervous about sending their kids to the preschool, even if the schools are open. Next week Kristen will open up registrations to the public. The Board agreed to make deposits for next year refundable if preschool doesn’t convene or parents choose to keep their kids home.

Dorothy reported on the portion of the FFF grant balance that has been used to pay Kristen and Sarah’s wages for March and April, as well as the remainder. Roger moved that we use the remaining FFF grant funds for teacher salaries in May. Rachelle seconded. The board approved.

Scamper cancellation letters have gone out to sponsors from past years. One sponsor sent funds, but it needs to be clarified whether it is intended as a donation. Kristen will forward to the board the letter she used for potential adaptation into a communication to the general community.

6. Alpine Celebration Planning

The Board agreed that the 2020 Alpine Celebration will be cancelled. Rachelle will contact Andi Hooper, and ask her to pass along that news to Ol’ School.

7. Water leak, re-plumbing the bathrooms

Dorothy reported that the re-plumbing of the bathrooms has been completed. When handyman Chris Fitzmorris has inspected the work site for repairing the drywall, he noticed that the electric socket for the bathroom water heater was not up to code. JC Electric mounted the electric junction box and added the ground fault interrupter socket. Chris will do sheet rock and flooring. There will be delays as things dry. Dorothy will buy paint for repainting the walls.

Dorothy has received invoice from Albin’s Plumbing, which includes line items for some reinstallation work that hasn’t been completed yet. Dorothy will wait to pay until the reinstallation is completed. We have confirmed that the water meter no longer shows any leak flow.

8. Facility rental agreement

Report (Joyce): Presentation of draft agreement form, discussion. tabled.

9. New Business

The Board discussed our posture related to the anticipated relaxation of social distancing directives. Do we need to build in a plan for sanitation of the facility after each use? Charge a cleaning fee for all rentals? What liability concerns do we need watch out for? Kirsten recommends that we don’t expect renters/users to clean adequately, and instead hire professional cleaners and charge all renters/users to pay a cleaning charge.

10. Proposed agenda for June

Guidelines and procedures for cleaning the center after rentals and community meetings.

11. Schedule

ACC Board 6/10 on Zoom.

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