2018-04-11 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 at ACC

Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Rachelle Payne, Roger Irvin, John Scott, Char Opheim, Andi Hooper, Matt Pfannes
Absent: Dena Elliott

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting


3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

The board reviewed and accepted the financial reports for March.

5. Community reception/input event planning

Andi Hooper and Matt Pfannes of Alpine Tavern/Boss Hawg’s BBQ mobile catering attended to join us in planning an Alpine Community Party event for 6/23/18. (We know that is the same day as Monroe HS’s Alumni gathering, and may be the same day as the Alpine Invitational Softball Tournament.) We wanted to have barbeque, beer, and live music. Andi’s business structure and contacts make all those things easier for her to do. She has relationships with two relatively local bands (Sam, and Old School Band) that she thinks may be willing to play. We discussed an arrangement where ACC would contract with Boss Hawg to serve beverages, and give attendees two drink tickets each. Boss Hawg would sell food and additional beverages at discounted prices.
Action Item (Andi): Check bands’ availability and get quotes; Check date of Alpine Invitational.
Action Item (Roger): Check county requirements for whether we would need to obtain a mass gathering permit

6. Preschool Report

We agreed to redirect efforts related to first aid training for co-oping parents from this year to next year. Rachelle will schedule the training in late August or early September, and we will make clear that certification is required for co-op parents. If the class we schedule won’t work for some, they will need to obtain equivalent training or show proof of previous certification.
Action Item (Rachelle): Schedule training

Dorothy confirmed that the background checks for co-oping parents did get sent in this month. The paperwork got returned related to unclear requirements for the format of the submission. Dorothy reformatted the request and resubmitted them to OR DOE. They have negotiated the check we sent for the fee.

Char reported that preparations for the Alpine 5K Scamper are well under way. At this time the greatest need is for sponsors.

Char reported that the preschool recently received a donation of books for each student, plus some for the preschool. The board signed a Thank You card.

The Board discussed an anticipated need to recruit new staff for the preschool for 2018-19. We agreed to form a search committee. Joyce volunteered to lead it. Rachelle and Char named several preschool parents who might be willing to serve. Doorthy received a recommendation from Jerri Wolfe (see below) that, given the current state of the market for early childhood educators, we are most likely to find a teacher among residents of our community, and especially among our current and incoming parents.
Action Item (Joyce): Hunt down the job description from our last recruitment exercise.
Action Item (Joyce): Contact potential volunteers suggested by Char & Rachelle.

7. FFF Grant for Staff Development and QRIS Plan

Dorothy reported her conversation with Jerri Wolfe, who led the work to get a preschool licensed in Philomath and is now at LBCC in their early childhood ed department. Ms Wolfe with approach a person who is a retired licenser as a potential consultant to work with us to develop a plan for preschool formalization. Ms Wolfe assured us that even though that effort may result in us choosing to forgo licensing, it will move us in positive directions.

8. Merged calendar participation with City of Monroe

Joyce reported that she has identified the iCal reference that Monroe has requested, but has questions about the permissions she will need to grant.
Action Item (Joyce): Contact RJ Thoefield and Steve Martinenko to confirm permissions

9. Recycling Center abuse

Joyce report no progress on configuration of video recorder to network.

10. 2012/2014 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation

Dorothy reported no progress on the final report to Trust Mgmt.

11. Budget committee for 2018-19

John led discussion on who will serve on the budget committee this year. Dorothy is willing to serve. Marilyn Palmer was suggested as another possible member.
Action Item (John): Call Marilyn to recruit her.

12. New Business

Monroe Resale Shop has a new upstairs neighbor. Dorothy has worked out a fresh agreement with the new neighbor for sharing the water bill (neighbor will donate the shop’s share to ACC) and other matters.

April is our annually scheduled time to elect officers. We were unprepared, and will hold the election via an email vote.

Andi Hooper asked whether the Center has any after-school activities for teens. Joyce responded with the history and current quiet state of her work with teens.

13. Proposed agenda for May

Alpine Celebration planning
Scamper 2018 Lessons learned

Recruitment committee

Consultant for preschool formalization plan

14. Schedule

Preschool Scamper 5/5, ACC Board 5/9, Alpine Celebration Party BBQ 6/23

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