2019-11-13 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 at ACC

Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Rachelle Payne, John Scott
Absent: Roger Irvin, Dena Elliott, Kristen Norris

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting

2. Review board email votes since last meeting

Dorothy moved that we adopt, with a minor change to include our name, the policy draft that Kristen emailed on 10/10/19. Roger seconded. Joyce called for a vote and John voted for adopting it. Email votes from Dena, Rachelle, and Joyce did not reach the Secretary’s inbox. At the 11/13 meeting, Joyce and Rachelle voted aye. Approved.

3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

Due to the demands of the Holiday Festival, financial reports for October were not available for the board meeting, but will be emailed within a week.

5. Preschool Report

Kristen reported that there was light participation from the parents in crafts for the Holiday Festival booth, but they still had plenty. Joyce reported that preschool is going well.

The preschool Holiday program is scheduled for early December.

6. Environmental Health concerns about the Center

Review final report from OSHA inspector. Tabled.

7. Year-end appeal brochure

The board discussed our production and mailing of the year-end donation appeal. John agreed to update the brochure text, Dorothy will generate address labels, get the brochures printed, stamped, and mailed.

8. Lessons learned from Holiday Festival 2019

Dorothy presented a spreadsheet with the statistics for Holiday Festival 2019 alongside previous years. Our net profit was over $2800. (Less than our best years, but still in line with recent years.) Dorothy and Jeanne got positive feedback from the vendors. We had some new volunteers.

Next year, we should use ACC’s sound board and speakers (will need microphones) instead of renting the entire sound system. The Health Dept. inspection was done by phone consultation this year, and the inspector told us to expect phone inspection in the future.

9. New Business

This month Jeanne reported (on behalf of the Alpine Water Company) that we’ve had unusually high water usage. Dorothy and John have each looked for signs of leaks, and not found any clear signs. During our meeting, Dorothy, Rachelle, & John read the meter together, observed it indicate no water flow, had Joyce turn on a faucet, observed the meter start spinning, then observed the meter stop when Joyce turned off the faucet. We take this as solid confirmation that we don’t have an ongoing leak. The current reading showed a pace of about 160-170 gal/day since Jeanne read the meter for the water company. We have had a couple facility rentals during the period, and perhaps they played a role in the high usage. We’ve asked Jeanne for more history to help gauge how unusual that rate is.

While looking for signs of water leaks, attention has been drawn to the kitchen sink, which is showing signs of age and wear. Dorothy has priced out a sink & faucet replacement, and has lined up a plumber who is willing to do the replacement at negligible labor cost. Dorothy moved we spend up to $250 on the replacement parts, Rachelle seconded, approved.

Facility rental. There is a hole in our facility rental procedures. Some recent renters have not cleaned up afterward and not returned the facility to its starting condition. When they fail, the burden to clean up and put things away falls to Kristen and the preschool. Joyce asserted that we need to strengthen our methods to establish accountability. We talked about this a year or two ago, but our current form isn’t serving us well for this. The rate sheet has language about a cleaning deposit, but it is not prominent and does not mention methodology for collecting and returning the deposit. In general, the form we publish on our web site is more geared toward repeated activities than single event rentals. Joyce will draft a single-use agreement form, to replace the existing.

ACC web site has been severely impacted by a volunteer’s recent changes to promote the holiday festival. Joyce and John will each try to find how to restore it in the near future.

10. Proposed agenda for December

Year-end appeal brochure

Water usage

Environmental health inspection report

Facility rental agreement

11. Schedule

ACC Board 12/11

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