2021-07-14 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, July 14th, 2021 at ACC

Present: Joyce Long, Melissa Meyer, Rachelle Payne, Roger Irvin, John Scott, Dorothy Brinckerhoff

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting

Approved as corrected.

2. Review board email votes since last meeting

3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Review and Accept Financial Reports

Board reviewed financial reports for May and June. Discussed the increase in our annual insurance premium, paid during June. Accepted May and June.

5. Vacating the former location of the Resale Shop

Dorothy reported that we vacated the old Resale Shop building on schedule on 6/23/21. We have not (yet) done a walkthrough of the 160 5th St. building with landlord Mr. Wall. We just left the keys in the building when we left. Security deposit has not yet been returned. .

6. Sublet Negotiations for New Location for the Resale Shop

Dorothy reported that we moved the shop furnishings into the 540 Main St. building for storage on 6/19/21. Dorothy hasn’t checked in with Andi Hooper since then, but assumes plans are still on track.

Kerry Hastings (Resale Shop volunteer extraordinaire) has offered to be the Resale Shop rep to the board.

Joyce suggested we put a banner on the new location with an “Opening Soon” label. We have an existing banner like that that we had in the window of the old location. Melissa will get an “Opening Soon” sub-banner printed. Roger moved we approve expenses up to $100 for the temp banner sign, Rachelle seconded, Approved.

Melissa will talk to Edie Moro at the Tribune to suggest an article about the move.

Landlord has agreed to install new light fixtures in the shop space, but asks that we acquire the hardware and then get reimbursed. Dorothy is researching.

7. New Preschool Teacher

Joyce and Melissa reported that we have had one candidate since the last board meeting. We interviewed a candidate this month and offered the job, but the candidate didn’t accept. Over the months Joyce and Melissa have talked to a couple other potential candidates who haven’t submitted applications yet. There is a glimmer of hope that an earlier candidate who already turned down the job may have adjusted circumstances and be open. Joyce and Melissa are exploring possibilities of job sharing and a temporary hire to bridge us into a less lopsided employment market. They have an interview scheduled for 7/15 with a potential candidate who has not yet made an application.

8. Planning for Preschool Reopening

We need to wait to schedule an open house until a teacher is hired.

The play area needs work (fence upgrades/repairs, pea gravel redistribution). Dorothy will approach Orion Parsons about shoveling rock away from the fence to provide access to the fence.

The Center needs trifold paper towels. Dorothy will order some.

9. Updating the Preschool Parents Handbook

We need to wait until we have a teacher hired before we can do this. Melissa reports that the latest revision to the OHA/Dept. of Ed. COVID guidelines are considerably relaxed from what they were earlier in the spring.

10. Status update: Alpine Water Company transition to new board

Rachelle & John reported that the new AWC board is learning together what their roles entail. Board is doing daily chlorine residual testing for a few weeks at least, to better understand how consistent the treatment is.

11. New Business

We have begun to have inquiries about when the Center will resume our pre-pandemic activities, such as Bingo and the community gatherings. Dorothy will discuss with Jo the prospects for Bingo.

Joyce can contact John Gent about the availability of the center for music nights.

There are reports that some folks don’t receive emails that are sent from our Mad Mimi email server. Once we have a preschool teacher hired, Joyce is willing to try some troubleshooting.

12. Proposed agenda for August

Fencing at back yard to replace the section between the southwest corner of the main hall and the arborvitae.

13. Schedule

ACC Board Tuesday 8/10 special day (not Wed. the 11th)


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